
Showing posts from January 3, 2021

How it started

 Sometime ago my sister embarked on a journey to discover her other family. You see, she was my mother's daughter by mother's second marriage. And though Dad adopted her and raised her as his own, at some point she decided he wasn't her "real" father. You may not be surprised to know this was a bone of contention with Mother. I gather Mother didn't think much of her second husband and resented my sister's attitude, given that Dad had been the one to do all the dad lifting through most of sis's life. Sis joined after Dad's death and began researching, eventually finding her biological father's family, though by then he had died. She made contact with them and visited with them at least a couple of times. This led to a rift that wasn't crossed until years later when Mother was diagnosed with lung cancer. After Mother's death some six months later, we packed up Mother's stuff, and Sis took it back home to sort and sell bec