
Showing posts from March 20, 2022

Of cousins and namesakes

With a name like Reagan, relatives in Sharon's part of the family wonder if they are related to any famous Reagans. Sharon specifically asked me last week if her family was related to the Reagan for whom Reagan County in Texas is named for. Other family members wondered if they are related to a certain famous former actor who once occupied the White House. I fiddled around with some of the features of Family Search, the online resource from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, to see if I could find answers. And I did.  First, you need to know that Reagan County lies southeast of the Midland-Odessa area and west southwest of San Angelo, which puts it in between I-20 and I-10. You also need to know, if you're not from Texas or you flunked Texas geography, that it could charitably be said to be in the middle of nowhere. If you're from that area, I apologize, but I grew up in Midland, which is close to the middle of nowhere.  Reagan County has one incorporated town