
Showing posts from April 10, 2022

Londonderry Air

Five generations after the story of William Graham, whom we looked at in the last post, we encounter one of his descendants, Alexander Leckie (one of several spelling of the name), 12th Laird of Leckie, located north-northeast of Glasgow and northwest of Edinburgh.  Much of what I can find about him comes from a timeline posted on the Family Search website, but ferreting out the exact events referred to can be a bit confusing. Take this reference: "Emigrated Londonderry, Londonderry, Ireland along with his father, he left Scotland after the Jacobite rebellion, due to being on the side of the Stuarts, lost his title and lands in Leckie." Now you might think from the phrase "the Jacobite rebellion" that only one rebellion took place. In fact, a more precise and profitable reference would be to the Jacobite Risings, attempts by the Scots to restore a Stuart to the throne after James VII of Scotland, who was also James II of England. He is the son of James VI of Scotlan