
Showing posts from February 7, 2021

A survival miracle, pt. 2

 Here is an account of the accident as it appeared in the Pensacola Journal. William's wife was named Katharine, but she is listed in this article as "Kaye." Remember that in the Chicago American  article she is called "Kate." I dug up some information on the American, including an anecdote about one of the editors that sounds like something you'd see in a movie. I'll post that on Sunday, Feb. 14. Pensacola Journal 1909-09-05 ROBBERS WRECK THE ROYAL BLUE LTD. ON THE B. & O. EXPRESS CAR CONTAINED A LARGE SUM OF MONEY FROM NEW YORK. THREE KILLED AND FIFTY INJURED. LIFE CRUSHED FROM ENGINEER, BAGGAGEMASTER AND CHIEF BOILERMAKER OF DIVISION -- FISH PLATES REMOVED AND RAILS MISPLACED AT THE MOST DANGEROUS POINT ALONG THE ENTIRE LINE. New Castle, Pa., Sept. 4. (AP) -- The wreck of train No. 5, The Royal Blue Limited on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, which occurred at 12:25 this morning, is now believed to have been caused for the purpose of robbing the e

A survival miracle, pt. 1

 Among the documents my sister sent me was a poor photocopy of an article from the Chicago American, dated Sept. 4, 1909, about a train wreck that occurred in Pennsylvania. She sent it because two of the people involved were from Chicago and were related to my maternal grandfather, William G. Kayler.  I investigated the relationship and ran into an anomaly. The passengers were William's wife and son, but the woman is not my grandmother, and the son is not either of the men I know as my uncles.  The cutline for the accompanying photo of the son, Harold, states that the duo were traveling to Chicago to a new home. Harold was 2 or 3 at the time -- available information on his birthdate doesn't line up with the age given in the story. I can only conclude they are a family William had before he married my maternal grandmother, nine years after this incident. As no one who would know for certain still lives, I'll just live with the mystery. Subsequent research turned up another n