
Showing posts from May 28, 2023

Quakers, Baptists and witches need not apply

Now comes one of those difficulties in dealing with the genealogies I have access to on Family Search. While following the Morse line of Orphah Morse, the richest lineage of my possible ancestors, I came across Samuel Morse (no, not that Morse), who immigrated to America in 1635 at the age of 50.  As I searched for a historical connection I could tie to for this post, I found that he had been one of the original signers of the Dedham Covenant, which I'll discuss in just a bit. But as I began to read through the various documents posted about him and seek out confirmation of those records on the Web, I ran into the question of which Samuel Morse this might be. To make a long story short(er). posters to his entry disagree as to who Samuel's father is, though in the end they all seem to agree that Samuel Morse came to America in 1635 and is the Morse listed in the passenger manifest for the Increase, the ship he and his family sailed on. The problem is that Samuel's age listed