Indenture has nothing to do with teeth

The particular genealogy site I'm using for these posts displays some thumbnail pictures beside the names of ancestors on the tree. These are taken from pictures that family researchers have uploaded to the site, and I've learned that sometimes the person so honored will have accomplished some interesting achievement. It's certainly far from foolproof, but as I was climbing up my wife's side of the tree and not finding much material, I ran across a picture of a cabin or barn or some such. Whoever loaded this picture included no information about it. Were I to hazard a guess, I'd say it's located somewhere in Maryland, where the relative in question, Cornelius Shehane Sr., was interred. (I worked briefly at a funeral home while in college where I learned that particular bit of verbal camoflage.) I looked at the other items attached to his record and read this bit of information: Cornelius Shehane came from Ireland in 1678 via Barbados as an indentured servant. W...