
Showing posts from December 12, 2021

When stubborn men butt heads

  First a couple of housekeeping items. The last time I checked FamilySearch, I found that one of the branches in Sharon's family tree had been lopped off. In late November this year, one of the contributing members deleted Brandt van Schlichtenhorst as the father of the Dutch woman who married a Husson and brought Dutch heritage into Sharon's line.  The Hussong Manuscripts contain a genealogy that shows that Jannetje van Schlichtenhorst married Rene Jacques Husson, though no date is given for the marriage. The Manuscripts  show her father as Brant van Schlichtenhorst, but the woman listed as her mother is not the same as the woman acknowledged in all the historical information I've found as being Brandt's wife. The Manuscripts  entry also contains a question mark by her name. Another genealogy site that provides some information without a subscription shows Jannetje as the half-sister of Brant's children and lists a third woman as her mother. The historical informa