Hold on just a minute

The headline jumped out at me as I perused one of the several news feeds I check each day: "Taylor Swift is related to famed poet Emily Dickinson and now it all makes sense," proclaimed a CNN headline. Ordinarily I wouldn't have cared a whit and moved on. I'm not a Swiftie or even a fan (then again I'm not exactly the target audience.) But these days she can hardly sneeze without some news outlet posting a breathless article about it. But with what I consider to be the inordinate amount of publicity the woman receives and my delving into my family's past to learn more about history, I gave the article a read. A lot of questions popped up in my head. Who cares, was the first. Well obviously Swift fans, who've apparently made comparisons between the women. And I suspect they'd be excited because they would imagine a genetic link between the two women's perceived greatness, so of course their idol would have been fated to become their favorite songs...