
Showing posts from January 10, 2021

The messy tree

 We recently had our trees trimmed, and judging by the time it took, they were a mess. Branches growing every which way, sticking themselves into places they didn't belong. They're all very tidy now, with only the stubs of the removed branches giving a hint as to the mess that once was. My first look into the results of the investigations of my family members into our past was nothing like the lore I grew up with. Our family tree branches off every way. Some of the branches are long with many offshoots. Others are mere twigs, bereft of any useful information.  The main outlines are there and confirm what I remember being told -- that we come mostly from German and English stock, with enough Irishmen tossed in to create a real claim to our Irish heritage. But the details are much messier than the little bit of family history I grew up with. Take the story of my paternal grandfather. The story as I remember it was that he immigrated to America. But a document I found in items my