
Showing posts from February 5, 2023

The 'true story' of an American legend, Part 2

I did some checking on the sources I used in the previous post that caused me to make some changes to that piece. Though most of it remains intact, I have deleted references to Native American lore and replaced those references with a much more vague "some say." I also deleted the reference to some tribes having developed a written language because that implied contemporaneous written tribal accounts about Pocahontas. The writing systems did not come into usage until the 1800s. Let me explain. As I mentioned, John Smith's account of the history of Virginia, meaning essentially his involvement in the settling of Virginia and the Jamestown colony, is often referenced as the definitive account. Modern retellings of the story familiar to people these days, such as the Disney film Pocahontas and a later movie, The New World, do what many modern films do -- romanticize and play with the facts for dramatic effects. These visuals tend to stick in the mind, though, and a goodly nu