
Showing posts from January 1, 2023

The first Civil War, African American infantry

While foraging in the family tree for a story to begin my third year of exploring history through looking at our family's ancestors, I happened across a note attached to Sharon's second great-grandmother, Amanda Ligion Womble. Amanda led what I would call a hard life, though it was probably not that unusual a life for the times and areas in which she lived. She was born somewhere in Arkansas in 1837; her genealogical entry does not say where. She would end up in Bosque, Texas, where she died at the age of 66.  The little I know about her life is contained in the note attached to her entry on Family Search, written by one of her relatives. She married Thomas Womble when she was 15 and bore 14 children, five of whom did not survive to adulthood. Her first child was born the year after her marriage, and her last when she was 44. Three of her children, apparently triplets, were born and died in the same year as their birth. Another died at age 4 and the last child she bore died at