
Showing posts from August 15, 2021

I do solemnly swear

By far the most fruitful  branch of my family tree grows from my maternal grandmother's lineage, most especially through her great-grandmother. Through her comes most of my connection to the founding colonies and to the aristocracy of England. (I know that sounds like bragging, but as I noted in my previous post, not all the famous people you might have in your past are particularly nice people. The English peerage and royal families aren't always people you want to be associated with.) I have connections to lords and ladies, kings and queens -- probably. What I discovered in this week's poking about is that the version of the tree I'm working with may not be entirely accurate. When I first looked through my lineage many months ago, I discovered a link to Elizabeth Woodville, the so-called White Queen about whom books have been written and movies made.  But as I trudged through the tree branches this week, I found she had been deleted and another Elizabeth's line no