
Showing posts from September 3, 2023

They had a reason for calling it the book of doom

Governments bring bureaucracy wherever they arise. In the Old Testament God warned the Israelites after they clamored for a king so they could be like the other nations (that kind of reasoning almost never being good). They'd have to have armies, which would require something like a draft, and would require taxes to fund the armies, which would require more taxes to fund the government, which would ... well, you get the point. Oh, and you have to have information, lots of information. Take William the conqueror, for example. William I, king of Normandy, set his sights on England, and in 1066, England's reigning king, Edward the Confessor, died, giving William a chance to fill the vacuum. Of course no shortage of Englishmen wanted the spot, so William had to bring his armed forces over to make sure he sat on the throne.  He was sort of closely related to the previous king, so he had sort of a claim to it. Never mind that Edward had already decided who his successor should be. Wi