
Showing posts from May 22, 2022

Painted people

Last time we looked at the entry on my side of the tree for Lady Margaret Woodville, whose identity remains shrouded. But she also provides a jumping off place to a new limb of the tree. Lady Margaret's entry shows she married a John James Watson I, about whom I can find nothing remarkable. His importance lies in his lineage. Now given the problems I've described with Lady Margaret, you'll have to take what follows as speculative in terms of any actual relationship I may have. John James seems to be the first of the Watsons in England. His forefathers' ties lie in Scotland for many generations. If you track back far enough, you run into ancestors who hail from what is now Bremen, Germany. I'll try to find some information on those ancestors for a future post. Now, the Watsons aren't just from Scotland. More specifically they are from Aberdeen. I've been unable to discover exactly how important they were to the daily life of the city, so I thought for this we