
Showing posts from January 30, 2022

Is he is, or is he ain't

I became excited while tracing another branch of the family tree back until it ended. William Sabin, one of Orpha Morse's (she whose line provides most of the best stories on my side), was the first of one particular families of Sabins to come to America, and one of the descriptions I ran across said he was a cofounder of one of the earliest settlements in Massachusetts, a part of the Plymouth Colony.  All my other relatives to this point settled in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and the highest distinction I had found was that one of them had been a town's first town clerk, in part because he had good handwriting.  Sabin was cited in a Wikipedia article has having founded the town of Rehoboth, Mass., with man named Walter Palmer. Huzzah! Now, I know you may be groaning about citing a Wikipedia article, and you have a right to be. But Wiki-p articles can come in handy as a starting place for research, especially if they provide citations. This article cited the town's web pa