Up a Tree extra: Ties to a traitor

My last post caused some questions I wanted answers to, and as I began running them down, I came upon a story that appeared to have ties to one of Sharon's ancestors. And I was in for a surprise. My explorations last week led me to Guy Fawkes. If you watch much British TV, or if you remember your world history, or if you've heard of the graphic novel V for Vendetta, which was made into a film in the early 2000s, you've heard of Fawkes and the holiday named for him celebrated in England. If not, you make have seen a Guy Fawkes mask like the one in the picture. I looked up Fawkes many years back and couldn't remember what I'd learned so I looked him up again. Short version: Fawkes was an English Catholic who joined with several other conspirators in the early 1600s to blow up Parliament during a session that would include both chambers and King James I. They hoped to dispatch a majority of two houses and maybe the king and rise up with like-minded Catholics to install...