
Showing posts from December 5, 2021

The most successful Dutch venture in North America

The Dutch West India Company (or GWC, from the Dutch name) provided a mechanism for the Netherlands to establish colonies in the New World and to profit from investment there, with certain exceptions. Although the opportunity was available to anyone who had the financial wherewithal, the reality was that pretty much only members of the company  If you remember, investors could establish "patroonships," and a number of the GWC's member decided to try their hands, but only one really succeeded. Kiliaen van Rennsselaer, a diamond merchant and investing member of the GWC, took advantage of the offer and bought a significant interest in land along the modern-day Hudson River.  Remember that his deal would include his bargaining with the indigenous tribes for purchase of the land. I haven't found a record yet of how much he paid, but apparently his agent negotiated the terms with the Mohicans, you know, the tribe in the famed James Fennimore Cooper book.  The land involved