
Showing posts from December 31, 2023

T.J. and the Liberties: Jimmy Madison

Thomas Jefferson made his views on religion abundantly clear in his writings. If you're curious and have the time, look up his correspondence with Joseph Priestly, an English scientist credited with "discovering" oxygen, and Unitarian minister.  James Madison, on the other hand, can be a little harder to pin down. He associated with Jefferson, who could properly be called Madison's mentor, sought Jefferson's advice, acted as a stand-in for Jefferson and succeeded Jefferson in the presidency, in no small part because of Jefferson's support. He was baptised as an infant in an Anglican church and was married by an Episcopal minister. He seems to have attended church regularly when at home, but was not so faithful while away attending legislative session. As a president, though, he attended worship at a local congregation and with a group that met in the House of Representatives. Some have ascribed political motives or social convention to this attendance.  He did