
Showing posts from May 30, 2021

A letter to George Washington

The best source of stories that have a least a modicum of a connection to my family come mostly through my mother's line. Her great-great-great grandmother's portion of the tree stretches back through the original American colonies into Great Britain -- mostly England. A number of individuals in this limb participated in the American Revolution, most through militia service but some directly in the Continental Army. I remember when my mother found out my sister was researching our genealogy, she expressed disdain for the exercise because Sis was trying to connect with her father's family. (If this is the only post you've read, my sister and I had different fathers, though mine adopted her after marrying my mother.) I wonder what mum would have thought about this part of the family story. I've mentioned my family connection to the Massachusetts Bay Colony previously. Apparently many of the family members found Massachusetts to be an amenable state and stayed there fo