Quick take

 In my last post, I mentioned the prodigious amount of correspondence my maternal grandmother, Lulu, produced in her quest to obtain a widow's pension. 

Ultimately the person who would confirm or deny the pension was the commissioner of pensions for the military -- Winfield Scott. This Winfield Scott could not have been the famous Civil War general,  but I wondered if he might be related. 

I looked him up after first seeing his name, and found a piece -- I think on Wikipedia -- that said Scott was not related. In fact, he wasn't even born Winfield Scott. He apparently was an admirer of the general and had changed his name in the general's honor.

My problem now is that I can't find that article to give you the man's real name or to confirm any of the above details.  

But I found a picture of his 1925 swearing in, below, and found out that his department was merged into the Veterans Administration,  created in 1930. I'll update if I'm ever able to confirm the story.


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